Welcome to a special page of PunkinHaid's BladePro Presets!
These are BladePro Presets I have made from unique textures files made by Mindy at Peapod Designs. You will find a link to her site at the end of this tutorial so please be sure to go visit and let her know we appreciate her work because without her, these presets wouldn't be possible.
You will find links at the end of this tutorial to download one or both zipped files.
Open a new transparent image 400x400.
*MostManly Radius setting is 110.
Using the freehand tool with the Point-to-Point option, make a selection of half of your image diagonally, (right & bottom half for her or left & top half for him).
Choose "Edit", "Copy" and "Paste as a New Selection"
And there you have it! A beautiful frame just for her!
Apply the tutorial to the opposite sides when making your diagonal selection and you have a frame just for him!
Most Manly Example:
Tutorial not applied to this frame in order to allow you to see both sides.
Download His&Hers BladePro Preset Here
Download MostManly BladeProPreset Here
**This tutorial free to share with graphics e-mailing lists with these images or your own creations using these two presets. All I ask is that you include a link to
this tutorial in case your list members need to contact me for any reason: https://bladeprostudio.tripod.com/bp/btuta.html
Thanks, and As Always, Have Fun!